Breast check
Posted by Lisa Akins on 20th Sep 2021
We were all greatly saddened to hear the news of the passing of Girls aloud singer Sarah Harding. Our hearts go out to her family, friends and fans who loved her deeply. Sarah battled with breast cancer and made it her aim to spread awareness.
It is so important to do what we can to be aware of changes in our breast tissue. Breast cancer can happen to anybody; therefore, we encourage to take the time to do regular self-examinations, which can be a great way to help detect breast cancer early. These take less than 5 minutes but can be invaluable to your breast health.
Examine your breasts with these 3 simple steps:
- Have a look at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips.
- Then look at breast with your arms raised high above your head and paying attention to your breast and surrounding areas.
- Feel around your breast with your hands using a circular motion, then feel under your arm lastly behind the nipple.
You may find conducting this examination easier if you do so in the shower or bath as the lather from your soap may help you reach deeper into the tissue.
Here are a few things the NHS recommend to look out for when conducting breast self-examinations:
See a GP if you notice any of the following changes:
- A change in the size, outline or shape of your breast
- A change in the look or feel of the skin on your breast, such as puckering or dimpling, a rash or redness
- A new lump, swelling, thickening or bumpy area in one breast or armpit that was not there before
- A discharge of fluid from either of your nipples
- Any change in nipple position, such as your nipple being pulled in or pointing differently
- A rash (like eczema), crusting, scaly or itchy skin or redness on or around your nipple
- Any discomfort or pain in one breast, particularly if it’s a new pain and does not go away (although pain is only a symptom of breast cancer in rare cases)
Checking your breast tissue once a month will not cure breast cancer but it is vital for early detection. We all need to look out for our breast health no matter our age. Stay safe ladies.