Sticky: The ‘Elle’ TENS – for the digital lady who likes control.

Posted by BBT.Admin on 18th Apr 2010

Our Elle TENS machine is for the 'digital generation' lady who doesn’t get flustered by options; on the contrary, she likes to be in control. This TENS has many effective options to relieve her pain yet is not complicated and overwhelming. The Elle TENS has it all and more.

As with the other TENS machine, this one also has two main controls being a 'burst' mode for in between contractions and a 'boost' mode for during a contraction. When labour commences one is recommended to start with the burst1 and boost 1 option, tailored to those first stage contractions, encouraging your body to produce its' own natural pain killing chemicals called Endorphins and Encephalitis. When things get more intense one can shift to the burst 2 and boost 2 option.

However, unlike the other TENS machine, the Elle TENS machine also has an extra facility called Opti-max which gives extra power for those more difficult times often experienced at the end of labour. Therefore with its greater power range and Opti-max feature, it's perfect for that first birth which is often more gradual and longer than consecutive births or someone who knows they have a low pain threshold.

Another function is the ability to apply more power to one side of the body and not the other. This is a fabulous option as labour pains can often shift around the body. If one has experienced sciatica during pregnancy or any other pain in a specific area, then it's very possible that this area will require more power than other areas so this feature is great for that.

Additional functions are pre-set modes for more easy use, a neck cord for mobility and also a rotating belt clip. This is a fabulous hire or buy!