Bizziebaby, one of the most unique product review sites online, managed to get a hold of our Elle TENS+. Being the first of its kind, the Elle TENS+ sports 3 units in one, treating birth pain, general…
Every pregnancy comes with some sort of morning sickness during the early stages with the common symptoms of vomiting, nausea and tiredness. However this is all normal and doesn’t put your baby at any…
Breathlessness is a side effect of pregnancy that commonly affects around 75% of pregnant women. This is caused by the hormone progesterone. This pregnancy hormone changes the way your body absorbs ox…
The Harrogate Nursery Fair is vastly approaching. Between the 23rd of March and the 25th March, Babycare TENS will be attending the UK’s premier nursery trade event. It’s a retailer’s dream as nearly…
We at Babycare TENS are pleased to announce the arrival of the NEW Elle TENS+ The FIRST of its kind in the world! 3 units in ONEObstetric TENS with the added benefit of a built in contraction timerTEN…