Anyone with Rheumatoid arthritis will agree how painful it can be. For those whose hands and fingers are affected, the smallest things like opening a jar can be painful. Those who have it in their h…
It can be alarming and disconcerting to wake up one day and see in the mirror that your face is drooping on one side. You have no idea what's going on so you schedule a doctor's appointment for that…
To people living with a life-threatening disease such as cancer, life becomes precious. Therefore it becomes disheartening and actually erosive to quality of life, when pain becomes a part of each va…
You're later on in your pregnancy now and that baby is eating away and putting on the pounds. There are smiles all round when the nurse at the check up says that the baby seems to be gaining weight n…
You've just done the pregnancy test, it's face down in your hand whilst you and your spouse/partner count the minutes before turning it over…5, 4, 3, 2, 1 go! You flick it over and there they both are…