What I wish I knew before naming my child
Posted by Lisa Akins on 14th Jan 2020
It is often the first thing that comes to mind when someone thinks of you. It is repeated serval times a day. It stays with you for your whole life. Your name is arguably a very important part of your identity; it is no wonder many parents feel anxiety when it comes to naming their child.
We sat down with four experienced parents and asked them what they wished they knew before naming their child, in hope to make your job easier. This is what they had to say…….
Sandra – Mother of 3 (Keep the name to yourself)
Looking back in hindsight, I wish I had kept my name choices to myself. My advice to you would be to keep your baby name shortlist private, just between you and your partner until the baby is born, unless there is someone you can really trust. People may have an opinion about your chosen names that may put you off of your choice, however, do not let anyone sway your decision. If you and your partner love the name that is all that matters!
Andre – Father of 2 (Spell it right)
I believe parents should choose a name which is easy to spell. When naming my daughter, I chose a name that was uniquely spelt. At the time I thought this would make her stand out and be viewed as special, however, it resulted in mockery from her school peers. Children can be really mean. Save your child the stress and pick a name that is spelt as it appears in the dictionary.
Nicole – Mother of 3 (Give a sense of identity)
I would advise when choosing a name for a child, that it be either reflective of your culture, or be a name associated with someone or something special, such as character trait, or a name with meaning. The name would give the child an identity which they can connect with. When the child grows up they may ask you why you gave them their name. Knowing their name had great thought and meaning behind it will give the child a greater sense of identity. I bore this in mind when I named my second child after my grandma.
Mariya – Mother of 2 (Do not listen to anyone)
When naming my child I wish someone told me not to listen to anyone else. I let my father in law name my son and I have never liked that name; I wish I had named my son Iyan. This is your child, and they are a reflection of you - therefore their name should also reflect your choice and decision. I would also advise to try and keep their name short and succinct, as the child has to write their name for the rest of their lives.
In Conclusion……
It is all too easy to be obsessive over the name of your child. Whether you choose a name that is short and sweet or long and unique, the name you pick will be perfect for your little one. Once your baby is in your arms and you’re overwhelmed with love, you will not be able to imagine your baby with any other name.