Stimulate and Detox!
Posted by BBT.Admin on 23rd Jul 2010
The use of electrical stimulation for tackling a smoking habit (Nicotine Detox) has a long history. The aim of electrical stimulation is to reduce the intensity of nicotine withdrawal associated with stopping smoking.
The first step is to place one set of electrodes on the back of the hands as shown in the top diagram on page 18 of our booklet –"An Easy Guide to TENS Pain Relief”and as instructed in the second paragraph on that page.
Next, select the timing to 30 minutes, set the pulse rate to 2 pulses/second and then select continuous mode. The next step is to set the output to obtain a firm intensity. Repeat the treatment after a break of 90 minutes between each treatment and repeat as often as needed to obtain relief.
If you have a Stimplus unit, this can be used at the same time as using your TENS machine to enhance the treatment – follow the instructions on page 3 of our guide showing you how to use your Stimplus - and apply the probe to the points as shown in the chart N(smoking severance)and treat each point for 30 seconds and repeat as needed.
If you are feeling nausea and /or irritability, then follow the instructions at the top of page 21 of the our Easy Guide to TENS Pain Relief by applying the second set of TENS electrodes to these points on the wrist and treat as described above.
It may also be helpful to use other treatments in association withTENS machine e.g. nicotine patches, sprays etc, acupressure on the wrist points (if you want an alternative to using the TENS electrodes, relaxation techniques and brisk walking for 30 minutes etc.