
Sticky: The ‘Elle’ TENS – for the digital lady who likes control.

Posted by BBT.Admin on 18th Apr 2010

Our Elle TENS machine is for the 'digital generation' lady who doesn’t get flustered by options; on the contrary, she likes to be in control. This TENS has many effective options to relieve her pain yet is not complicated and overwhelming. The Elle TENS has it all and more.As with the other TENS machine, this one also has two main controls being a 'burst' mode for in between contractions and a 'boost' mode for during a contraction. When labour commences one is recommended to start with the bu … read more

Using TENS for treating Osteoarthritis

Posted by BBT.Admin on 10th Mar 2010

Running around open fields and on the beach with your children, cycling through a forest with the sun peeking through the trees, knitting a beautiful scarf, typing a long email or writing a letter to a good friend…are these mere memories?As an Osteoarthritis sufferer you may quite possibly be nodding your head in agreement with that last line.Life is definitely not as easy as it used to be. Many joints are now stiff and painful to use, be it in the knees, hips, fingers, hands or other places. … read more

Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis with TENS

Posted by BBT.Admin on 25th Feb 2010

Anyone with Rheumatoid arthritis will agree how painful it can be. For those whose hands and fingers are affected, the smallest things like opening a jar can be painful. Those who have it in their hips or knees can find going on a short walk to the local newsagent very challenging. It can be debilitating and therefore depressing. I'm sure any sufferers who are reading this are nodding their heads in appreciation of these difficulties.It is the inflamed joints, due to the activity between the … read more

TENS treatment for Cancer Pain

Posted by BBT.Admin on 25th Feb 2010

To people living with a life-threatening disease such as cancer, life becomes precious. Therefore it becomes disheartening and actually erosive to quality of life, when pain becomes a part of each valuable day.Cancer pain can result from the pressure of a tumor on bone, muscle or nerves or as result from radiation or chemotherapy. Treatments such as these can also irritate healthy tissue, causing pain, inflammation and sensitive nerves.Cancer pain can weaken your ability to fight the cancer. … read more

TENS and treating Fibromyalgia

Posted by BBT.Admin on 25th Feb 2010

What does Fibromyalgia feel like? Or should I really be asking, what doesn’t it feel like? Fibromyalgia sufferers seem to suffer from pain in just about every place imaginable as well as suffering from a whole range of side-effects resulting from all-over body pain.Does this sound similar to your life?...And there I find myself once more, lying in bed again, missing yet another morning of work (contemplating when they'll fire me due to so many days off sick) due to those "flu-like", "coming dow … read more