
5 Ways to turn pain into power

5 Ways to turn pain into power

Posted by Aimee Strongman on 8th Sep 2022

For a long time childbirth has been associated with pain. A narrative strung out through televised dramas and films and a familiar truth shared between women the world over but this doesn’t have to be your story.Aimee Strongman founder of Glow Yoga studio and specialist in holistic birth preparation and pregnancy yoga has shared her top tips on how to bring the strength back to the birth room and leave fear at the door!In 1920 Grantley Dick-Read acknowledged a "Fear-Tension-Pain" cycle. He sugge … read more

Why am I Breathless?

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 10th Mar 2014

Breathlessness is a side effect of pregnancy that commonly affects around 75% of pregnant women. This is caused by the hormone progesterone. This pregnancy hormone changes the way your body absorbs oxygen. Feeling breathless in the early stages of pregnancy even before your bump is visible is also likely to occur.Later on in your pregnancy, as the uterus grows, your diaphragm will begin to compress your lungs, so the capacity you would normally have will be reduced. But it’s not all bad news. Ar … read more