
Using TENS for treating Osteoarthritis

Posted by BBT.Admin on 10th Mar 2010

Running around open fields and on the beach with your children, cycling through a forest with the sun peeking through the trees, knitting a beautiful scarf, typing a long email or writing a letter to a good friend…are these mere memories?As an Osteoarthritis sufferer you may quite possibly be nodding your head in agreement with that last line.Life is definitely not as easy as it used to be. Many joints are now stiff and painful to use, be it in the knees, hips, fingers, hands or other places. … read more

TENS treatment for Cancer Pain

Posted by BBT.Admin on 25th Feb 2010

To people living with a life-threatening disease such as cancer, life becomes precious. Therefore it becomes disheartening and actually erosive to quality of life, when pain becomes a part of each valuable day.Cancer pain can result from the pressure of a tumor on bone, muscle or nerves or as result from radiation or chemotherapy. Treatments such as these can also irritate healthy tissue, causing pain, inflammation and sensitive nerves.Cancer pain can weaken your ability to fight the cancer. … read more

TENS treatment for Upper Back Pain Relief

Posted by BBT.Admin on 25th Feb 2010

Upper back pain often occurs as a result of trauma, sudden injury or constant strain from poor posture or carrying heavy loads. Do any of these scenarios echo with you?The car grinds to an alarming halt, everyone jerks forward, thankfully saved by their protective seat belts. The passengers scramble out of the vehicle to check that they are actually all in one piece. They are, however, you're struggling to move your neck without extraordinary electric twinges shooting down your upper back. Y … read more