
5 Ways to turn pain into power

5 Ways to turn pain into power

Posted by Aimee Strongman on 8th Sep 2022

For a long time childbirth has been associated with pain. A narrative strung out through televised dramas and films and a familiar truth shared between women the world over but this doesn’t have to be your story.Aimee Strongman founder of Glow Yoga studio and specialist in holistic birth preparation and pregnancy yoga has shared her top tips on how to bring the strength back to the birth room and leave fear at the door!In 1920 Grantley Dick-Read acknowledged a "Fear-Tension-Pain" cycle. He sugge … read more

10 Facts About Your Unborn Baby

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 13th Feb 2018

Your baby will have 300 bones:When your baby is born, he/she will have 300 bones in their body. Adults only have 206. Don’t be alarmed as the bones will end up fusing together to create the number we currently have.Your baby is hairy:All babies will develop a fine hair called lanugo which is all over the body. This creates a temperature-regulating layer. However, your baby will shed it into the amniotic fluid and will eat it and then excrete it out after it’s born. Now you know what their … read more

Writing Your Birth Plan

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 7th Feb 2018

A birth plan is the perfect way to let midwives and doctors who will be caring for you during labour to know how you would like your birth to go. This can include things like preferences on pain relief, positions in labour and things you would like to avoid.It’s a great way to be organised and remove some of the stress and worry one may have about giving birth. It’s also vital to know that this plan is not set in stone as giving birth isn’t always as straightforward as what you see on TV. … read more

Benefits of Skin-To-Skin Contact

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 30th Jan 2018

After birth, mothers and babies should be in direct contact for at least the first hour or two. This is because during pregnancy, babies are really close to their mother in terms of getting warmth, food, protection and oxygen. After labour, babies will unexpectedly find themselves without all of these essential needs. To resolve this, babies should be held naked against their mother’s skin, also known as skin-to-skin contact (or Kangaroo care). If due to birth complications and the mother … read more

When To Hire & Purchase a TENS Machine For Labour

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 16th Sep 2015

So you've decided that you've opted in for a drug free labour but you’re confused about the best time to purchase or hire an obstetric TENS. This couldn't be any easier at Babycare TENS.Purchasing an obstetric TENS machine can be done at any point during your pregnancy; however they cannot be used for general pain relief until you’re at week 37 of your pregnancy aka “full term”. Why is this? Because if used before week 37, it could potentially induce your labour and this wouldn't be safe for the … read more