
​When do babies have their first laugh?

Posted by Lisa Akins on 16th Sep 2019

It is the sound all new parents crave to hear; a sound that brings about feelings of joy and accomplishment, a baby’s first laugh! That bubbly, happy, oh so cute giggle just warms all hearts. Not only is it completely adorable, it’s a stage in your baby’s development. If your baby has begun cooing and gurgling then it is very likely that soon they will start laughing!When should I expect my baby to start laughing?All babies are different and rightly develop at different rates, but for many … read more

Keeping Your Baby Safe During The Summer

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 29th Jul 2019

It’s going to be yet another steaming summer this year, so here are a few tips to keep your little ones safe and cool from the sun.Cover your baby’s body with clothing. This includes arms and legs. Also use sun hats with a wide brim or long flap at the back to protect their head and neck from the sun.Sunscreen isn’t recommended for babies who are less than 6 months old, so again, clothing and hats are the best options. Babies who are less than 6 months old should be kept out of direct sunlight a … read more

The Breech Position

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 22nd Jul 2019

The breech position is when a baby is positioned bottom-down rather than head down late into your pregnancy. Normally in the last month of pregnancy, your baby would be settled into the head-down position, ready for birth. But it is common for babies to be in the breech position 35-36 weeks in.Your midwife will feel your abdomen at around 35-36 weeks and will be able to asses whether your baby has settled into the had-down position. If the feel as though your baby may be in the breech position, … read more

How To Get A Baby On Board Badge

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 23rd Jun 2019

Travelling on public transport is a great way to get around quickly, but can be very stressful, especially when you’re pregnant. It’s not only stressful, but during rush hour times, over crowding and so on, it can be dangerous for yourself and the baby. Unfortunately, not everyone will automatically get up to offer you a seat, even when it’s dead obvious that you’re pregnant. You may only be a few months pregnant so you’re not showing at all, but you are still pregnant. This is where the Baby on … read more

10 Modern Day Slang Terms for Your Pregnancy

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 9th Jun 2019

Finding out that you’re pregnant is such an amazing time for yourself and the anticipation to tell all of your family and friends is high. One of the most exciting things to do is the very first announcement. Second would probably be a gender reveal. But it’s all about how you want to announce your pregnancy in the first place, and this is where the fun, creative side comes into play. Who wants a simple “I’m pregnant” anymore? Here are 10 modern day slang terms for announcing your pregnancy whic … read more