
Baby Proofing Your Home

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 20th Mar 2018

When your little one has discovered how to travel on their knees and then their feet, your home will become essentially a danger zone. As they explore, there are a few safety measures you can put into place to make their environment less hazardous. Here are a few tips on keeping your baby safe:Hard edgesIt may not look like a dangerous piece of furniture, but you’d be surprised that the coffee table in the middle of your living room or the miniature chest of drawers is an accident waiting … read more

Buying vs Renting a TENS machine

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 13th Mar 2018

When looking for a natural birth, maternity TENS machines are the way to go. TENS encourages the release of endorphins (the body’s own natural pain killing chemicals) whilst also blocking the pain signals from getting to the brain.So what’s the deal with renting and buying? Renting a TENS machine is a brilliant idea if you’re not totally comfortable with TENS and how it works. It’s also great if you’ve heard great reviews about it and want to try it out for yourself. Cost wise, it’s also v … read more

What is Lightening Crotch?

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 28th Feb 2018

Lightening crotch (or lightening pain) is a sudden sharp, almost stabbing pain felt in the pelvis, vulva or rectum during pregnancy. It happens very quickly and can be felt down the legs.Although painful, this doesn’t necessarily mean your baby is coming at that very moment. Throughout pregnancy, these types of pain can be felt when your baby is moving around, kicking or flying their elbows around, which evidently will hit a collection of nerves by the cervix. There’s also the case of when … read more

Top 10 Ways To Sleep Better When You're Pregnant

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 21st Feb 2018

1. Don’t drink or eat anything about 2 hours before going to bed. This could cause heartburn or reflux which will keep you awake.2. Your spine will feel more pressure when you’re pregnant, so rearranging different sized pillows to elevate your body will help to relive your back pain and make you more comfortable.3. Temperature control is very important. Being pregnant, you may feel hot most of the time so reducing the temperature in your room will help with your comfort and sleep. Bein … read more

10 Facts About Your Unborn Baby

Posted by Jamelia Benjamin on 13th Feb 2018

Your baby will have 300 bones:When your baby is born, he/she will have 300 bones in their body. Adults only have 206. Don’t be alarmed as the bones will end up fusing together to create the number we currently have.Your baby is hairy:All babies will develop a fine hair called lanugo which is all over the body. This creates a temperature-regulating layer. However, your baby will shed it into the amniotic fluid and will eat it and then excrete it out after it’s born. Now you know what their … read more